Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today the kids and I made cookies. Warning: They are really tasty, but not too healthy! Last Friday, the kids, my mom, my sister, and I went to Homestead Hollow, and I bought the kids aprons. As an aside, Princess bungee jumped! Back to the cookies - we were all suited up and ready to go, when I realized we were out of sugar. We made a quick run to the store, and then came home and baked these delicious cookies from a recipe I found inside the butter box. The kids helped me put the groceries away, and we had so much fun doing it. I have been trying to get them to help me all the time, because they really seem to enjoy helping me, and it keeps them out of trouble. I used a mix of whole wheat flour and regular all purpose flour, but other than that, I stuck to the recipe. They are Jumbo sized and very delicious. The kids got to wear their new aprons. Pea was a little distracted after going to the store, but Princess was solely focused on the cookies.

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