Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Actions speak louder than words

I am sure you have heard this old adage. And it is so true. The Bible talks about this over and over about how love is really personified by the actions put behind it. Life is different in this era than it was for me as a child. I am only 31 years old, yet I miss the simplicity and the values that seemed to surround me as a youth. The world seems bigger and harder than it was then. And in my family there were certain truths that all of my extended family believed or accepted or at the time maybe they pretended to accept. I can only think of one family member who was not a believer, and she later became one. The Bible was considered true and also considered to be the inerrant word of God. And every other truth given to me was in essence based upon what the Bible said, even though I did not grow up with parents who had family devotionals or such as that. In my parents generation, it seems in talking with others my age, they relied mostly on the church to teach absolute truths, but I am sure that is not universally true of that generation.

Today though, it is different. No longer do the people around me believe the same things as I do, nor do all of my neighbors go to church. And as a result, values are hard to come by. Even though I live in Alabama and in the supposed Bible belt, that is a thing of the past. My children live in a different world than I do, and they do not have the same spiritual legacy I had. My husband does not come from a family of faith. I pray daily for God's absolute truths to sink into the kid's hearts and that the rest of the world's value systems will not be taken in, that I and my hubby will be a good teachers to them, that they will value people as much as they should.

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