Friday, October 21, 2011

Beyond - Five Minute Friday


Beautiful pots of mums.  Seasonal decorations.  Candles lit.  Wreath on the door.  Every detail imagined prepared.  Every speck of dust removed.  Carpet vacuumed.

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The girls arrived for food, conversation, and a game.  They eat the scrumptious food prepared.  The house is perfectly decorated to every detail.  Every picture hung.  Every piece of furniture in its place.  The table cloths perfectly arranged.  Hor d'oeuvres ready.

The women clamor in ready to eat.  Ready to talk.  Ready to play. 

The conversation is of football, Halloween costumes, and things lingering on the surface.  There is no smell of anything cooking beyond what we see.

And yet I long to go beyond.  To see inside the hearts.  To see beyond the surface and into the depths of them.  Does this perfectly manicured life truly satisfy?

While everything is beautiful and nothing is wrong with any talk or detail, I wonder as I watch how Jesus is allowed to go beyond the pristine image, beyond what appears to be, into the fullness of broken hearts hidden.

I linger, watch, and wonder if I will ever know their beyond.  I hunger for more.

It all appears the abundant life, and yet it is unlike the abundance Jesus promises.  Is He allowed entrance into every heart chamber?  or is He, unlike me, allowed to see what is really within?



  1. gorgeous! wow, you really captured the idea of beyond so well. =)

  2. listen sister you aren't hungry for no reason...follow that craving!
    you are obviously being led...

  3. Oh Jamie - well done! I crave more than just a surface relationship with others. Such truth in these words: "I wonder as I watch how Jesus is allowed to go beyond the pristine image, beyond what appears to be, into the fullness of broken hearts hidden." Exactly!

    Thank you for this treasure! You managed to put my feelings into words today - well, except for the pristine part. I'll let you know when I get there. ;)

    Have a blessed weekend, my friend!

  4. I, too, crave this true existence... sure, I like polish and polite as much as the next magpie, but what I really long for is people who love me as I am and that I can love as they are, leading each other from our shared places of brokenness to the true glitter of Christ's righteousness.


I love to receive your thoughts. I am blessed and encouraged by them. May God bless your day today!


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